Las Polyethylene Geomembranes They have been designed and manufactured as a fundamental sealing element and are used by the industry to line leach pads, tanks, canals, dams, reservoirs and containment ponds. They have low permeability, are not penetrated by leaching, methane gas does not leak from the sealing system, high tensile strength and chemical resistance, excellent rigidity, favorable properties for the storage of liquids and solids, resistance to UV radiation. They are manufactured with specially formulated and certified virgin Polyethylene resins. Polyethylene is a semi-crystalline thermoplastic material that has good mechanical properties, great chemical inertness, high electrical insulation, non-polar, does not absorb moisture, is odorless and physiologically inert.


Characteristic: Flexible material with excellent mechanical properties, of chemical resistance and ultraviolet radiation (UV).
Dimensions: Width of 7.01 or 8.01 meters and thicknesses from 0.75 mm to 3.00 mm.
Weights: Rolls of approximately 2,500 Kg.


Característica: Material texturado flexible con excelentes propiedades mecánicas, de resistencia química y a la radiación Ultravioleta (UV).
Texturada: 1 o en 2 caras.
Dimensions: Width of 7.01 or 8.01 meters and thicknesses from 0.75 mm to 3.00 mm.
Weights: Rolls of approximately 2,500 Kg.

Despacho en Bodega


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Despacho en Bodega

Siga estos pasos para retirar su pedido en nuestra bodega

Al llegar presente su identificación  y N° de Pedido.
Debes contar con tus EPP: casco, chaleco reflectante, zapatos de seguridad, eslingas y guantes. En caso de no disponer, solicítelos al área de logística.
Dentro de 24 hrs te contactamos y coordinamos el retiro de tu Pedido.
Horario de retiros: lunes a viernes de 9:30-13:00 a 15:00-17:30 hrs. (13:30-14:30 horario colación)


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